Friday, January 17, 2025, 9am to 4pm
Saturday, January 18 2025, 9am to 4pm
Beautiful Estate Sale for the Collector of fine American Antique Furniture, Collectibles, Household Items in a lovely Loudonville Home.
* Incredibly rare 45 Star Spanish American US Flag. A great piece of history 88” X 56” 1896-1908, beautiful condition
* Miniature Queen Ann Birdseye Maple and Cherry Chest, signed by maker
* Harvest Table in old oxblood
* Windsor continuous arm Chairs, set 4 made by Chris Harder
* Early 2pc Corner Cupboard
* Fabulous Tall Case Clock made by Jacob Jones N.H. 1825 for General Benjamin Lovering Locke, Epson NH, Major General 3rd NH Regiment and served in Legislature B.1802 D.1883
* Nice Variety Oriental Carpets
* Country Bucket Bench
* Early Fireplace Settle
* Country Work Table w/stretcher base
* Long Country Pine Work Table w/drawers
* Oak Store Counter
* Seth Thomas Wall Clock
* Pair Alabaster carved Lamps
* Victorian unusual Marble Top Lamp Stand, other Marble Tops too
* Painting Oil on board scene of Cows, unsigned; Nautical Painting signed Robert Sanders, American 1950 and other Art work
* Multiple early Chest of Drawers
* Tavern Table
* Wool blankets. Linens. Quilts, bedding
* Zeiss Rolleiflex, Hasselblad Cameras (several lens), rare Wista 45 mint in box, Polaroid
* Pair Country Cherry Twin Beds
* Starrett Level No. 95 in wood box
* Old Green Wicker Tea Cart (nice) and other Wicker Chairs and Table
* Record Albums
* Nice variety of early Engravings, colored and B&W
* Variety Tools
* Gorgeous Four Poster Cherry Canopy Bed, full size
* Leather Office Chair, quality
* Manger Set, Germany composition figures, Manger musical and lighted
* Bennington Pottery
* Red Sox Jersey, "Price 24"
* Noritake Dinnerware “Shasta” pattern Set
* Early painted Blanket Chest w/ two tills
* Antique Deacons Bench
* Pair wooden Garden Benches
57 Upper Loudon Road, Loudonville, NY 12211. Off Osborne Road or Crumite, Albany Shaker Road or Route 9.
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